PinnedAWS Lambda battle 2021: performance comparison for all languages (cold and warm start)Let’s compare the performance of all supported runtimes + 2 custom runtimes (Rust and GraalVM).Sep 16, 202122Sep 16, 202122
PinnedMicroservice performance battle: Spring MVC vs WebFluxI would like to talk about interesting stuff that I faced on my project. For our client, we wrote some lightweight microservices in AWS…Feb 7, 201913Feb 7, 201913
PinnedEC2 versus Fargate: performance comparisonNowadays, Fargate is very popular. It solves such ECS with EC2 problems as:Mar 1, 20214Mar 1, 20214
OpenTelemetry tracing for Java AWS LambdaHow to send Opentelemetry traces from AWS Lambda and do not bring additional latencyDec 7, 2024Dec 7, 2024
Published inAWS TipJava 17 vs Java 11 for AWS LambdaRecently AWS announced supporting Java 17 runtime for AWS Lambda. In this article, we are going to compare the performance between Java 17…May 3, 20231May 3, 20231
Measuring cold start time of AWS Lambda functions with Java and SnapStartI hope everyone already knows that Java is not a perfect language for AWS Lambda because of its huge cold start(first start) issue. You can…Mar 26, 2023Mar 26, 2023
Project Loom with Spring boot: performance testsToday I would like to test if Project Loom is ready to replace Spring WebFlux(the most popular efficient reactive framework) for writing…Dec 3, 202210Dec 3, 202210
AWS Lambda GraalVM native: Quarkus vs plain JavaI prefer to use plain Java code for GraalVM native AWS Lambda but my colleagues often ask me why I don’t consider some framework for this.May 2, 20225May 2, 20225
AWS Lambda battle: x86 vs ARM(Graviton2) performanceAs you may know, just a month ago AWS announced AWS Graviton2 Processors for AWS Lambda and says that AWS Lambda functions using the…Nov 5, 20214Nov 5, 20214
Benchmarking all AWS Lambda runtimes in 2021: cold start (Part 1)Cold start comparison for Java, NodeJs, Python, Go, Ruby, .Net Rust, GraalVMSep 7, 20213Sep 7, 20213